Wey Navigation - conditions update

Dear Boaters

We have made the decision to postpone the replacement of Thames Lock Footbridge until Jan 2025.  This means that the advertised 10-week closure has been cancelled.  My sincere apologies for the disruption this will have caused.  Due to tight timeframes and additional measures requested by stakeholders, we were no longer in the position where we felt confident that we would be able to stick the to the 10-week programme and ran the risk of impacting the Easter weekend. 

We will keep you updated as the project progresses and the maintenance team will be conducting regular assessments of the bridge to ensure its continued safety over the course of the next 12months.

Kind regards

Tristan Brown(He/Him)

General Manager

16.50 hrs- The navigation is now fully open from Godalming Wharf to Thames Lock.

For further information call Thames Lock 01932 843106 or the Navigation office (office hours only)

09.40hrs – Dangerous conditions to the navigation exist from Papercourt Lock to Walsham Gates and Town Lock to Thames Lock and it is not safe to proceed along the navigation these areas.

River conditions from Godalming Wharf to Papercourt Lock are normal and open for navigation.

For further information call Thames Lock 01932 843106 or the Navigation office (office hours only)

08.50hrs – Dangerous conditions to the navigation exist from Bowers Lock to Worsfold Gates and Papercourt Lock to Walsham Gates and Town Lock to Thames Lock and it is not safe to proceed along the navigation these areas.

River conditions from Godalming Wharf to Bowers Lock are normal and open for navigation.

For further information call Thames Lock 01932 843106 or the Navigation office (office hours only)

07.45hrs – Dangerous conditions to the navigation exist from Catteshall Lock to Millmead Lock and Bowers Lock to Worsfold Gates and Papercourt Lock to Walsham Gates and Town Lock to Thames Lock and it is not safe to proceed along the navigation these areas.

River conditions from Godalming Wharf to Catteshall Lock and Millmead Lock to Bowers Lock are normal and open for navigation.

For further information call Thames Lock 01932 843106 or the Navigation office (office hours only)

15.05hrs – Dangerous conditions to the navigation exist from Catteshall Lock to Worsfold Gates and Papercourt Lock to Walsham Gates and Town Lock to Thames Lock and it is not safe to proceed along the navigation these areas.

River conditions from Godalming Wharf to Catteshall Lock are normal and open for navigation.

For further information call Thames Lock 01932 843106 or the Navigation office (office hours only)

15.20hrs – Godalming Wharf to Thames Lock – all river sections of the navigations are in flood, dangerous conditions to navigation exist and it is not safe to proceed along the waterway at this time.

For further information call Thames Lock 01932 843106 or the Navigation office (office hours only)

10.20hrs – Dangerous conditions to the navigation exist from Catteshall Lock to Worsfold Gates, and Papercourt Lock to Walsham Gates and it is not safe to proceed along the navigation these areas.

River conditions from Godalming Wharf to Catteshall Lock and Worsfold Gates to Papercourt Lock and Walsham Gates to Thames Lock are normal and open for navigation.

For further information call Thames Lock 01932 843106 or the Navigation office (office hours only)

09.50hrs – Dangerous conditions to the navigation exist from Catteshall Lock to Worsfold Gates and it is not safe to proceed along the navigation these areas.

River conditions from Godalming Wharf to Catteshall Lock and Worsfold Gates to Thames Lock are normal and open for navigation.

For further information call Thames Lock 01932 843106 or the Navigation office (office hours only)

08.25hrs – Dangerous conditions to the navigation exist from Millmead Lock to Worsfold Gates and it is not safe to proceed along the navigation these areas.

River conditions from Godalming Wharf to Millmead Lock and Worsfold Gates to Thames Lock are normal and open for navigation.

For further information call Thames Lock 01932 843106 or the Navigation office (office hours only)

06.00hrs – Dangerous conditions to the navigation exist from Bowers Lock to Worsfold Gates and it is not safe to proceed along the navigation these areas.

River conditions from Godalming Wharf to Bowers Lock and Worsfold Gates to Thames Lock are normal and open for navigation.

For further information call Thames Lock 01932 843106 or the Navigation office (office hours only)

Informtion courtesy of the National Trust